Christian Apologetics - the study of building a rational foundation or justification of the Christian faith that helps us answer the following questions:

  1. How do I know what I believe is true?

  2. How can I confidently share what I believe with gentleness and respect?


I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace

The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas & Mike Licona

On Guard by William Lane Craig

Tactics by Greg Koukl

In Defense of Jesus by Lee Strobel

Christianity Cross-Examined: Is It Rational, Relevant, and Good by Kenneth Samples

Websites & Apps:

CrossExamined  app- apologetics/worldview

STR - app - Stand To Reason, apologetics/worldview

STR U - free short courses on faith/apologetics/worldview issues

Cold Case Christianity app - apologetics/Bible study/worldview

RF - app - Reasonable Faith, theology/worldview

Alisa Childers

Christian Mom Thoughts

Mama Bear Apologetics

Women in Apologetics

Science and Faith:

Seven Days That Divide The World by John C. Lennox

Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job: How the Oldest Book in the Bible Answers Today's Scientific Questions by Hugh Ross

RTB - app - Reasons To Believe, faith and science